Where to start - Purpose of the Minivan Camper

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Staff member
It all starts with the planned purpose of your Minivan Camper

Based on my experiences, Minivan Campers are being used for 4 options, often only one of them:

- Hole day trips to the beach, parks, concerts, etc.

- Long weekend and camping trips

- Traveling for weeks or even months

- Living full time in a Minivan Camper

The further down you go this list, the more features you will want to include in your build.

Needless to say, there are countless people living in a minivan with so called no-builds, but this website and forum is in place in order to help you to increase your comfort level.

The first 2 options, day trips and camping, don't require a minivan that is in perfect mechanical condition. If something breaks down, you will be semi-local and getting a tow won't be the end of it.

The last 2 options, real travel or living in a minivan camper, should require a sound vehicle in good condition. Trust me, you do not want to face a break-down, let alone repeatedly, when you are far away from home, or when the vehicle is your actual home.
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